1:1 Insurance For School Districts

Are you a school district administrator looking to insure your 1:1 devices?

Click on the colored circles below to see what School Device Coverage offers!
SDC Coverage Bubble Diagram One-time payment per coverage term. No deductibles or hidden fees. Unlimited claims on insured devices. Parent or district buy programs. Custom coverage to fit your needs. Full coverage transferability to loaner devices. District portal for managing orders and claims. Bilingual website and support for parents.

Things we need to know about your 1:1 program:

While SDC does most of the work, there is some coordination required to make this partnership the best possible experience for your district.

Things we need to know:
  • Program Type. Will your district or the parents be responsible for purchasing the coverage?
  • Devices being issued. Chromebooks, iPads, Macbook Airs, etc. The type and age of the devices being deployed dictate the premium. There are substantial differences in repair/replacement costs for each device.
  • Estimated number of devices that will be deployed.
  • Schools that will be participating in the program.
  • Preferred repair solution for damaged devices.
Repair solutions available:
  1. District repairs - simply provide an invoice and we will reimburse your district for repairs done on-site.
  2. Local repair facility - devices are dropped off and picked up from the repair facility, or in some cases the repair shop picks up devices.
  3. Mail-in depot - district or parents mail the device in a prepaid box.

Program Types

Our program types are straight forward and designed to be flexible. Each program has its own advantages.

District Buy - When a district decides to purchase insurance for their 1:1 devices, the program type is a District Buy. Many of our school districts have decided that district buys are the quickest and easiest way to cover their entire fleet of 1:1 devices before they're handed out to students. When every device has insurance, a district can rest assured knowing that no matter what happens, their devices are covered.

Parent Buy - When a district decides to provide optional insurance coverage to the parents, the program type is a Parent Buy. Many of our school districts prefer that parents take point on insuring their students devices. This allows districts to remain hands off and ensures that at least some of their fleet will be covered. Some districts require that insurance be purchased by the parent before their student can receive a device.

Hybrid Buy - These programs are a mixture of both district and parent buy programs. As an example, when a district decides to provide optional insurance coverage to the parents first before they insure the remaining devices in their fleet, the program type is a Hybrid Buy. This can help to relieve some pressure put on the district to insure all of their devices out of pocket. It allows parents to take on some financial responsibility, while ensuring that the districts entire fleet is covered.

Learn about our 1:1 claims process:

Depending on the program, claims can be filed by the parent or the district. Parents who have purchased insurance for their students 1:1 device can log into their account online to file claims, while districts can manage all of their claims under their district dashboard.

The claims process is customized and varies depending on the preferences of the district.

The claims process for damaged devices is usually handled in any of the previously noted ways (district repairs, local repair facility repairs, or mail-in depot repairs) and payment for a damaged claim will go to the party responsible for the repair. The claims process for lost and stolen devices is more straight forward. A police report must be filed along with the claim and a payment goes to the insured party.

Our licensed and dedicated claims team can help you every step of the way.

Frequently Asked 1:1 Questions and Answers

Must all schools in a district participate in the insurance?

  • No. SDC will provide insurance on any number of schools in a district.

What are the insurance payment options?

  • Credit card and checks.

Can districts make insurance mandatory?

  • Requiring parents to purchase insurance is done by many school districts.

Can districts send a spreadsheet with their issued 1:1 devices?

  • Yes. Typically, districts know which students are associated with each serial number. An Excel or CSV spreadsheet of the issued devices should be provided to SDC.

Is there a limit on the number of claims that can be filed on a device per year?

  • No. Some students have multiple claims and some students never have a claim. That's the nature of insurance.

1:1 Insurance Summary

School Device Coverage has been providing insurance on 1:1 school issued devices for many years.

We know how to assess expected claims based on the types of devices being issued. We know repair costs for broken screens, broken keyboards, etc. We know how many devices on average will be lost, stolen, or damaged. We have the experience and expertise to provide the best rates and 1:1 insurance solution for your districts needs.

Thanks for visiting! We look forward to hearing from you!

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Accidental damage
Broken screens
Charging failure
Fire and flood damage
Water damage
Electrical failure
Microsoft Surface